100x100 Achille 2018

100x100 Achille 2018
100×100 Achille is an exhibition to celebrate 100 years of Achille Castiglioni, curated by Chiara Alessi and Domitilla Dardi.
100 everyday objects has a gift by contemporary designers.
“Our gift is ‘O Panariello (Il Panariello), a wicker basket used to mix the 90 numbers of the neapolitan bingo game called Tombola. Each number has a meaning, tells a story. It is called Smorfia. For example: n°2 ‘A Piccerella (la bambina – the child), n°22 ‘O Pazz (il pazzo – the madman ), n°72 ‘A Meraviglia (lo stupore -the surprise ) and so on… the last number is 90th ‘A Paura (la paura – the fear). So why not creating a new number for the italian design icon? n°100 ‘O Castiglion (Il Castiglioni). W the tradition W the irony W Castiglioni. Happy Birthday!” MRI
info Fondazione Achille Castiglioni
photo Zamponi